Friday, October 12, 2012

Sportster Tank Converted To Fit FXRS Frame

One of the tasks of being a fabricator is having to customize fittings for components that don't naturally fit together. For this motorcycle project, I made a 3.3 gallon Sportster gas tank fit a Harley Davidson FXR Frame. In order to make this happen, I had to cut the bottom half of the tank and replace it with a square tunnel and then create custom positioning mounts. Voila! This is how the tank fits and looks like...

...The last step- adding the glass sight gas gauge and petcock to finish it off.


Here, I started by out cutting out the bottom section (pic 1), made a fresh bottom plate out of 16 ga. cold roll steel (pic 2), and then drew weld guide lines on the main tank section (pic 3).

Next, I welded the seams, filled, and sanded the edges of the tank (pic 4). Lastly, I created and added the positioning mounts (pic 5 and 6)...

before adding the glass sight gas gauge and petcock (pic 7 and 8) and finishing sand.   


Brock Dunlop